Own basis

If you feel like you are walking in circles in some aspect of your life.

If you feel as if something is holding you from the inside and you cannot move in the direction you want.

If you feel that for a really strong, fearless life you do not have enough foundation, solidity.

If you regularly find yourself in destructive, destructive or amoebic, loose states.

If you feel inner dependence, heavy attachment to someone or something.

If you feel weak and sore inside, fragility and vulnerability.

And outside there are conflicts and tensions.


And if you want and are ready to change this - at the root, finally and irrevocably.

Walk your own Path with a heart that is not in circles, but forward.

Interact with strong people with a strong self.

Be truly valuable and be surrounded by people who see you as valuable.

If you are ready to say goodbye to most of the old world, and possibly the entire old world.

Be really strong, sturdy, with a solid structure inside and have the purest, free perception possible.


Then the "Own Basis" process will become a powerful impetus and necessary basis for the implementation of these changes.


   Triple process “Own Basis”.


   These are three Cleanup processes, with ready-made task requests:


   1. Energy structure of a warrior-hunter.

   2. Truly spirit.

   3. Growth and development.


   The first part is the straightening of the energy structure from today's (whether it is traumatized or is it just the structure of a "normal" person) into the structure of a warrior-hunter (for anything: for strength, for resources, for money, for wildfowl, for fish, for development).

The energy structure is the foundation of a person, his frame and base, from where everything else grows - the body and the shape of the body, health, vitality, personal strength, effectiveness of actions, the direction of life: in development or in degradation (including life in a circle). About the warrior-hunter as a phenomenon in more detail here.

   The second part is the expulsion of extraneous spirits from the being. Spirits of outsiders, human formations, cultures, subcultures, castes - everything that truly contradicts with your spirit is expelled away.

Spirit is the environment inside, the atmosphere, the feeling of life, the mood, the state of being - this is what grows or dries up in.

Extraneous spirits are extraneous influences, moods, someone's states, destructive ideas, desires, fears. In a sense, these are outsiders and beings inside, their background.

   The third part is described in detail here.


   These are very profound changes, basic ones. They will provide the necessary foundation, allow you to develop and change, to heal much more easily and freely.

Inside, its own base will grow or appear, its own foundation (this is about the structure), and sabotaging, blocking entities, moods, laziness, obsessions, desires, fears, etc. will go away, and there will be more and more inspiration, your actions, your decisions ( it's about the spirit and about the third part).

   Here the Cleanup process, in a certain sense, takes place at the level of perception and description of the shamans' world. In the course of the process, we straighten and adjust your energy structure with movements that vaguely resemble shamanic dances, and the level of perception of spirits and the technique of expelling outsiders is, in principle, from the plane of the shamanic description of the world, prehuman, which is more causal - therefore, this and that is effective.


   This triple process will straighten the structure of the being and displace from it, and then from life, everything superfluous, everything untrue and will bring you into your Path, which is with a heart - where is joy, strength, growth and development.


Request-task 1: I intend to have the energy structure of the warrior-hunter, to be it at my core.

I give up all the circular movements of my life, circular structures and directions in order to live truly myself in my going forward Path with a heart.

And I give up everything and let go of everything that somehow contradicts, opposes the realization of this request-task.


Request-task 2: I intend to live only truly with my spirit, which fills my entire being.

I give up all spirits that are not my true spirit and release them all, give them to where they came from, or, if they do not leave, I dissolve them with my intention.


Request-task 3: I intend to separate from myself and completely get rid of, free myself from the Result of the intention to destroy other people, beings in any and all of its forms, its causes and effects in my being, in my life, in my world. I intend to be a complete true self, develop my true self, grow my level of personal strength, develop my perception and the skills I need.

I give up everything, let go and free myself completely from everything that contradicts, opposes the full realization of this request-task.


All three processes take place within a week, you receive their records and accept the results of the processes as usual.

If you are geographically close and want to be present during the processes (it can be really interesting experience), then we will make the processes in your presence.


Price: € 1000


If you are ready for these changes, and you need this triple process, send a message in the form below with your name and a short description of your current situation - what is good and what is not so good. And write something like "I want this process" or "I want my own base" or "I intend my own base".

Then I will contact you and we will agree on the timing and location (if we work in person) and approve the process itself.

If there is no readiness yet, but there are any questions about the process itself - also write here:


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